Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

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    LESSON 1

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 1 GTFS Static Feed Introduction

    • LESSON 1 Video GTFS Required Fields

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 2 GTFS Required Data Fields

    • LESSON 1 Exercise Zipping and Extracting GTFS Feed Files

    • LESSON 1 Exercise Review Contents of GTFS feed

    • LESSON 1 Terminology

    • LESSON 1 FINAL Quiz

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    LESSON 2 Using GTFS Tools

    • LESSON 2 Video Transitfeed-Windows-Binary-1.2.15

    • LESSON 2 Chapter 1 GTFS transitfeed-windows-binary-v 1.2.15 Tools Introduction

    • LESSON 2 Chapter 2 Feedvalidation Tool

    • LESSON 2 Exercise Use of feedvalidator tool and GTFS Feed File Download

    • LESSON 2 Chapter 3 Feedvalidator Errors and Warnings

    • LESSON 2 Chapter 4 Scheduleviewer Tool

    • LESSON 2 Terminology

    • LESSON 2 FINAL Quiz

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    LESSON 3 Publishing A GTFS Feed

    • LESSON 3 Chapter 1 Publishing a GTFS Feed Introduction

    • LESSON 3 Chapter 2 Where to Begin If Your Agency Is Not Yet Participating In GTFS?

    • LESSON 3 Chapter 3 Transit Partner Dashboard

    • LESSON 3 Terminology

    • LESSON 3 Final Quiz

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    LESSON 4 Google Receives GTFS

    • LESSON 4 Chapter 1 Published GTFS Feed

    • LESSON 4 Chapter 2 GTFS Validation Report

    • LESSON 4 Terminology

    • LESSON 4 Final Quiz

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    Next steps

    • Transit Scheduling: General Transit Feed Specification Basic Course Summary


    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • More resources for you

    • Before you go...