Transit Scheduling Basic Course

Get A Giant Leap Into A New Career

  • Transit Scheduling Learn A New Craft

    Learn from Professionals. Perform the tasks of a Transit Scheduler as you learn the principals of the craft. Connect with your Instructors. Personalized learning. Self-Paced to fit your Life Style.

  • All Principles of Transit Scheduling

    You will learn all the principles of modern transit scheduling. Your learning will be through doing, watching your instructor guide you via videos, and lesson challenges that help you learn faster and better

  • Real Industry Tools

    Become better at your current job, Move up in the company, Learn a new craft or sharpen your skills in Transit Scheduling....We are here to make that transition easier.

Transit Scheduling Basic Course

  • 1

    How To Use This Course

    • Video Introduction by Instructor: Welcome to Transit Scheduling Basic Course

    • Student Course Walkthrough

  • 2

    What To Expect From This Course

    • Transit Scheduling Course Learning Goals

  • 3

    Introduction: Transit Scheduling

    • Transit Scheduling Basic Course Table of Content

  • 4

    LESSON 1 Inputs To The Scheduling Process

    • Video Introduction by Instructor: LESSON 1 Inputs to Scheduling Process

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 1 Learning Goals and Expectations

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 2 Understanding Scheduling (Service Standards)

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 3 Route Structure

    • LESSON 1 Pop Quiz

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 4 Route Configuration

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 5 Service Frequencies / Headways

    • LESSON 1 Pop Quiz

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 6 Hours of Operation

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 7 Timing Points and Relief Points

    • LESSON 1 Chapter 8 Running Times

    • LESSON 1 Video by Instructor Round Trip Cycle

    • LESSON 1 Exercise 1 Calculating RTC/Layover/ Vehicles

    • LESSON 1 Exercise 1 Calculating RTC/Layover/ Vehicles Answers

    • LESSON 1 Terminology

    • LESSON 1 Final Quiz

  • 5

    LESSON 2 Trip Building

    • LESSON 2 Video Introduction by Instructor: Trip Building

    • LESSON 2 Learning Expectations

    • Lesson 2 Chapter 1 Trip Building

    • Lesson 2 Chapter 2 Creating A Schedule

    • LESSON 2 Pop Quiz

    • LESSON 2 Exercise 1 Using Running Times to Create a Schedule

    • LESSON 2 Exercise 1 Using Running Times to Create a Schedule ANSWER

    • LESSON 2 Video by Instructor Trip Building Instructions

    • LESSON 2 Exercise 2 Building a Schedule

    • LESSON 2 Exercise 2 Building a Schedule ANSWER

    • LESSON 2 Terminology

    • LESSON 2 Final Quiz

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    LESSON 3 Blocking

    • LESSON 3 Video Introduction by Instructor: Blocking

    • LESSON 3 Chapter 1 Schedule Building (Blocking)

    • LESSON 3 Pop Quiz

    • Lesson 3 Chapter 2 Interlining

    • LESSON 3 Chapter 3 Garage Deadheads

    • LESSON 3 Pop Quiz

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 1 Video Introduction By Instructor (How to Tackle Exercise 1)

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 1 Blocking

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 1 Blocking Results

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 2 Video Introduction By Instructor (How to Tackle Exercise 2)

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 2 Blocking Input

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 2 Blocking Input ANSWERS

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 3 RTC Calculations

    • LESSON 3 Exercise 3 RTC Calculations Answers

    • LESSON 3 Terminology

    • LESSON 3 Final Quiz

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    Lesson 4 Runcutting

    • LESSON 4 Video Introduction by Instructor: Runcutting

    • LESSON 4 Chapter 1 Runcutting

    • Lesson 4 Video by Instructor: Run Cut Exercise Instructions

    • LESSON 4 Run Cut Test Graph

    • LESSON 4 Chapter 2 Run Cut Test

    • LESSON 4 Pop Quiz

    • LESSON 4 Runcut Graph Template (Use to Help with Runcut)

    • LESSON 4 Exercise 1 Video Introduction By Instructor (How to Tackle Runcut Exercise)

    • LESSON 4 Exercise Runcut

    • LESSON 4 Exercise Runcut Results

    • LESSON 4 Terminology

    • LESSON 4 Final Quiz

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    LESSON 5 Rostering

    • LESSON 5 Video Introduction by Instructor: Rostering

    • LESSON 5 Chapter 1 Rostering

    • LESSON 5 Chapter 2 Distribution

    • LESSON 5 Chapter 3 Costing

    • LESSON 5 Pre Roster Exercise Example

    • Lesson 5 Video by Instructor: Rostering Instructions

    • LESSON 5 Exercise 1 Rostering

    • LESSON 5 Exercise Rostering Results

    • LESSON 5 Terminology

    • LESSON 5 Final Quiz

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    Transit Scheduling Basic Course Final Summary

    • Final Summary

    • Video by Instructor: End of Course Congrats

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    Transit Scheduling Basic Course Appendix

    • Transit Scheduling Basic Course Appendix